The impact of manmade noise on ocean biology is an area of increasing concern to scientists, who have, until recently, lacked a consistent and standardised method of data collection. This state of affairs has changed thanks to LIDO ( which has helped usher in a new era for marine data resources to describe and understand marine soundscapes.
In order to monitor such a wide range of sounds, LIDO has developed a unique software package known as SONS-DCL that allows real-time access to data in the existing observatories, monitoring noise at spatial and temporal scales which had never before been achieved. By allowing access to the continuous flow of this data, LIDO has developed an exclusive library of sound sources, which is steadily updated and used to further refine the software, making it usable in almost any scenario independent of sea state, geographic location or noise level. The system has been refined to such a level that it is now capable of analysing data from autonomous radio-linked buoys and vehicles – including gliders – and from towed arrays.
LIDO has overcome major perceptional and technical challenges to deliver a world-renowned data resource today. The future challenge is to become self-sustaining, and as such LIDO is aiming to build on the partnerships established with large research institutions and private companies to continue to provide this amazing resource.